Tech it Easy

CloudTech Group is a multinational organisation. We provide unparalleled FinTech solutions to governments, businesses and individuals worldwide.

We lend our expertise in world-class professional blockchain project management, consultancy, and a diverse range of financial services.

Blockchain Research and Development

When it comes to the blockchain industry, CloudTech and innovation go hand in hand. We lend our expertise and offer our services to large enterprises as well as start-ups.


Crypto Asset

We offer one of the most competitive coin analysis services in the market, this includes coin tracking and high-frequency trading strategies.


Incubation Efforts

We offer the most comprehensive blockchain incubation services, it ranges from project planning to token design and even project promotion.


Financial Services

Our financial services exist in the form of financial license acquisition, investment banking and asset management, with focus on crypto-related funds.



We offer diligent legal compliance services, world leading smart contract auditing and business consulting to assist start ups in all operations.

our resources

General Connections

CloudTech Group's dynamic ecosystem has helped cultivate the most powerful and comprehensive relationships across different countries and industries. These have allowed us to provide more innovative services to enhance our quality of life, support and protect the start-ups to fast growth.

Industry Resources

CloudTech Group is the leader in web 3.0 and is one of the world’s leading blockchain technology groups. Our extensive networks and relationships within the blockchain industry ecosystem assisted us in bringing in new possibilities for the industry.

our achievements

A variety of achievements characterise CloudTech Group’s journey. We have launched many successful innovative projects that aim to revolutionise entire industries.

Environmental Social Governance

Our collective expertise in the blockchain industry is used to better the society, the environment and provide consultation services to governments all around the globe.